A new GSRI website has been launched, since 11/01/2022, in the following url : gsri.gov.gr
Μενού Επιλογών

R & D & I National statistics

National R&T&I Statistics
Science and Technology Indicators
Α. Producing National Statistics for Research & Innovation

In line with the country’s obligations towards the European Union (European Parliament and Council Decision no 1608/2003/EC), the GSRI is responsible for producing and monitoring Greek national statistics on science, technology and innovation.

Relevant rules are detailed in implementing European Commission regulations (e.g. Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 995/2013).

The above implementing regulation lays down the rules for producing science and research statistics in the following areas:

  • Research & Development (R&D) Statistics
  • Statistics on government budget appropriations or outlays on research and development (GBAORD)
  • Innovation Statistics
  • Statistics on human resources in science and technology, including gender mobility statistics, statistics on patents, statistics on high-technology industries and knowledge-based services, as well as other science and technology statistics.

In the above context, Member States and, therefore, the GSRT – in its capacity as the competent body for Greece – are required to produce and submit to the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat) standard quality reports about data on:

  1. Research and Development / Expenditure on and staff employed in research and development activities: separate reports are produced for the business enterprise sector, the government sector, the higher (post-secondary) education sector and, under certain conditions, the private non-profit sector, about R&D activities across the economy.

More specifically:

  • For R&D expenditure, the data produced cover domestic expenditure on R&D both at country level and for each of the four (4) above-mentioned sectors, broken down by source of financing, type of R&D, type of expenditure, main scientific field, Region, economic activity, employment (for enterprises only);
  • For R&D staff, the data produced cover the R&D staff both at country level and for each of the four (4) abovementioned sectors, broken down by type of employment (researchers, technical personnel, other support staff), gender, level of education, main scientific field, economic activity, Region, number of employees (for enterprises only);

        2. For government budget appropriations on R&D (GBΑORD indicator): the data produced cover R&D in all sectors funded through public sources (ordinary budget, Public Investment Program, subsidiary budgets) for all types of entities (public bodies, business enterprises, private non-profit organisations). Funding can either involve individual projects or be of a permanent (legislated) nature;

      3. For Innovation activity in enterprises (Community Innovation Survey-CIS): the data produced cover innovative activities carried out by the business sector involving product (goods or services)/process (P/P) innovation and marketing/organisational (M/O) innovation.Statistical data on innovation in this category are broken down in 4 categories:

  •     Intra-corporate (in-house) R&D
  •     External R&D
  •     Purchase of machinery, equipment, software and buildings
  •     External knowledge sourcing from other enterprises or organisations
  •     Other activities, such as training, introducing market innovations, etc.

B.  Official Quality Reports for Science and Technology Statistics (Indicators)
In April 2012, the GSRT decided (Government Gazette issue no 1359/Β/25.04.2012) to entrust the National Documentation Center (E.K.T.) at the National Hellenic Research Institute (E.I.E.) with collecting, processing and presenting the official statistics for Research, Technological Development & Innovation in Greece, as well as with compiling and submitting the respective reports to Eurostat, in line with the country’s commitments.
It must be noted that the Ε.Κ.Τ./Ε.Ι.Ε. was selected by GSRT for this task on account of its long-standing experience in collecting, processing and providing documentation material on Research and Technology and, further, because, being one of the GSRT-supervised bodies, it can be closely supervised and guided in its tasks, in order to achieve a scientifically sound outcome.
The collection and processing of statistical data recently completed by E.K.T., available at http://metrics.ekt.gr/el/node/339, presents the final/definitive data on the key expenditure and personnel indicators on Research & Development in Greece for 2015, as well as the provisional data for 2016. These data were submitted by EKT to Eurostat, on behalf of the GSRT – and, by extension, of Greece – on 5th July 2017.
More files and information on the above reports, as well as additional statistics, are available in the E.K.T. website, at www.metrics.ekt.gr/en, under the heading “RDI STATISTICS”.
Furthermore, R&D statistics for Greece, as well as comparative data on other Member States, are available in the EUROSTAT database/website at:
Responsible GSRT department:
--- Department for Research and Innovation Evaluation and Statistics (Responsible: Dr. Nikolaos Sargianos // nis@gsrt.gr // Head of Department )
(Directorate for RTDI   Policy Planning)


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